AboveGround Tank Cleaning

OISD 129 recommends that tanks in hydrocarbon service should be inspected internally every 10 years. Internal inspection would require emptying the tank and making it hydrocarbon free for man entry. Tristar Engineering specialises in AboveGround Tank Cleaning and making it hydrocarbon free for inspection, change of service Without Manentry. 

Over a period of time sediments, rust, microbial growth and water gets accumulated at the tank bottom. Contamination can occur due to tanker introducing water, rust, sludge, silt etc, Seepage of water through gaskets, thread joints etc, condensation, fuel being stored for a long duration leading to deterioration. Problem of product deterioration in ethanol doped MS (Gasoline / petrol) tanks increases further when there is water present in the tanks. Ethanol being hygroscopic mixes with water and phase separation takes place. This also leads to accelerated rusting of the tank bottom. 

Tristar conducts tank cleaning non manually using a proprietary mechanised system with a trained team. Tristar aboveground tank cleaning process uses 360 Degree impingement technology. The wash fluid is jetted through the system which scours the tank internal surface dislodging any accumulation of sludge etc. Combined with this the machine rotates 360 degrees in a precise manner ensuring 100% of the tank internals are impacted and cleaned. We have cleaned HFO tank and pipeline to make it hydrocarbon free for Deepak Fertilizers using the same process. 

Advantages AboveGround Tank Cleaning:

  1. Removal of all contamination at the tank bottom and shell such as water, sediments, sludge etc.
  2. Petrol filtered/ Diesel filtered to 5 microns. 
  3. Safety – No Manentry. 
  4. No need for scaffolding inside the tank.
  5. Can use high temperatures and chemicals for cleaning using our process without any risk to personnel as cleaning is done remotely through the system.