Class 6 Hazards
Class 6 Hazards
substances are toxic and infectious. – Substances known to be so toxic to humans that can cause health hazard during transportation.
There are 2 sub-divisions:
- Division 6.1: Toxic substances
- Division 6.2: Infectious substances
6.1: Toxic Substances
A toxic substance is a substance that can be poisonous or cause health effects. Toxic substances can harm humans when they enter or contact the body. Exposure to a toxic substance can cause burns, irritation, vomiting, diarrhea and, in very large amounts, drowsiness or death etc.
E.g. Cyanide, Formaldehyde, Mercury, Lead, Asbestos, Hazardous/Toxic Air Pollutants
6.2: Infectious substances
Substances known to contain a pathogen. A pathogen is a micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, parasites, fungi) that can cause disease in humans or animals.
CATEGORY A: An infectious substance in a form capable of causing permanent disability or life-threatening or fatal disease in humans or animals when exposure to it occurs.
CATEGORY B: An infectious substance not in a form generally capable of causing permanent disability or life-threatening or fatal disease in humans or animals when exposure to it occurs.
E.g. Rabies virus (animal heads), Arbovirus (serum or serum or CSF specimens), Hepatitis A, B , C (serum or blood)